Flyer Design – N77 Design | Atlanta Web, Graphic & Flyer Design • Design Portfolio & Rates for Nick Claeboe Custom Design Work Wed, 03 Mar 2021 15:12:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Flyer Design – N77 Design | 32 32 Happy 4th of July! Luau BBQ Design Thu, 03 Jul 2014 13:23:52 +0000

So the 4th of July is tomorrow and I’m going to our annual bbq at Patrick’s parents house. I wanted to do a fun little design for it this year. I’m still recovering from my broken leg so I have plenty of time to do fun stuff like a bbq flyer. Every year Patrick’s mom does pulled pork and we shoot each other with fireworks. It’s a blast. No reindeer games for me this year tho. I’ll watch everything from a safe distance this time. I wish everyone a happy and safe 4th of July. Happy Birthday, America!

Announcement: Site Re-design In Progress Sat, 21 Jun 2014 17:04:05 +0000 Thank you for coming and checking out my new site re-design an blog. I’ve waited way too long to get this done but I’m very excited to be developing my new web site. As you know I do all kinds of design work. My main focus is club flyer design and web design but I’m experienced in all areas and would consider myself a marketing professional.
